
Publications from the bioAI group.


  1. Exploring mechanisms of Neural Robustness: probing the bridge between geometry and spectrum
    Konstantin Holzhausen, Mia Merlid, Håkon Olav Torvik, and 2 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00679, 2024
  2. Decoding the Cognitive map: Learning place cells and remapping
    Markus Borud Pettersen, Vemund Sigmundson Schøyen, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and 1 more author
    eLife, Jul 2024
  3. position_dissimilar.png
    Self-Supervised Grid Cells Without Path Integration
    Markus Pettersen, Vemund Sigmundson Schøyen, Mattis Dalsætra Østby, and 2 more authors
    in review, Jul 2024
  4. context_dissimilar.png
    Learning Conjunctive Representations
    Markus Pettersen, Frederik Rogge, and Mikkel Elle Lepperød
    accepted NeurIPS 2024, Jul 2024
  5. Hexagons all the way down: Grid cells as a conformal isometric map of space
    Vemund Sigmundson Schoyen, Kosio Beshkov, Markus Borud Pettersen, and 5 more authors
    in review, Jul 2024
  6. Self-Supervised Pseudodata Filtering for Improved Replay with Sub-Optimal Generators
    Mateusz Wasiluk, Mikkel Elle Lepperød, and Kai Olav Ellefsen
    in review, Jul 2024


  1. Spikeometric: Linear Non-Linear Cascade Spiking Neural Networks with Pytorch Geometric
    Jakob L Sønstebø, Herman Brunborg, and Mikkel Elle Lepperød
    Journal of Open Source Software, Jul 2023


  1. Inferring causal connectivity from pairwise recordings and optogenetics
    Mikkel Elle Lepperød, Tristan Stöber, Torkel Hafting, and 2 more authors
    bioRxiv, Jul 2022
  2. Coherently Remapping Toroidal Cells But Not Grid Cells are Responsible for Path Integration in Virtual Agents
    Vemund Sigmundson Schøyen, Markus Borud Pettersen, Konstantin Holzhausen, and 2 more authors
    bioRxiv, Jul 2022
  3. NeuroAI-A strategic opportunity for Norway and Europe
    Stefano Nichele, Solve Sæbø, Klas Pettersen, and 1 more author
    Nordic Machine Intelligence, Jul 2022
  4. Isometric Representations in Neural Networks Improve Robustness
    Kosio Beshkov, Jonas Verhellen, and Mikkel Elle Lepperød
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01236, Jul 2022