bioAI research group
I am a PhD student specializing in predictive coding within the hippocampal formation. My research explores the neural mechanisms of navigation and memory by developing models that replicate hippocampal neural dynamics. These models simulate generative predictive coding in neurons like place and grid cells during navigational tasks.
My PhD is funded by SUURPh, a collaborative program between Simula, the University of Oslo (UiO), and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). My research is conducted in collaboration with several groups: the joint UiO and Simula bioAI group, the Centre for Integrative Neuroplasticity (CINPLA) at UiO, and both the Leutgeb and Integrated Systems Neuroengineering (ISN) Laboratories at UCSD.
Short bio
I hold a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Computational Science from the University of Oslo. My master’s thesis focused on simulation-based inference for parameter identification in mechanistic models of neural dynamics.
Prior to my PhD, I worked full-time as a head engineer in scientific computing at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) as part of the Human Brain Project. I primarily worked on development of the cutting-edge brain simulation tool NEST (NEural Simulation Tool). My main focus was designing, implementing and optimizing methods for brain-scale network construction on peta- and exascale computers.